Saturday, 27 July 2024
Home Warlords 3: DLR History

Warlords 3 History

Warlords 3: Reign of Heroes

The original Warlords 3: Reign of Heroes was released on the 21st of August 1997. The game was exclusively developed for the PC platform by Strategic Studies Group lead by Steve Fawkner. The publisher was Red Orb Entertainment.

Warlords 3: Darklords Rising (DLR)

Warlords 3: Darklords Rising was released on the 21st of August 1998, exactly one year after the original Reign of Heroes. Darklords Rising is basically an updated Reign of Heroes with fixed bugs, more features, armies, heroes, items, spells and campaigns. This is the game that Reign of Heroes should have been and it was given a warm and hearty welcomes by pc-gamers worldwide. The community simply calls it DLR: an acronym that has become synonomous with Warlords 3.

Which one is your favourite Warlords game?